Saturday, 20 July 2013

School Report

It has been a while since I posted anything here but that's not to say that I've stopped eating pork.  I haven't given up on the Everything but the Oink Challenge either.  The last time we visited Breakfast was on Open Farm Sunday. He was doing well and a week away from being weaned from his mum. 

Today I found him sheltering from the heat on the shady side of his pen with his brothers for company.  To avoid unwanted bacon making the sows and boars are separated once they are weaned so Breakfast is hanging with the boys from now on.  This, I think, is why Breakfast has been playing up.  Everybody that I spoke to at the farm was full of the same stories.  Breakfast has been a bad boy.

I felt like a parent who had been summoned to see the headmaster.  It turns out that my little piggy is something of an escapologist.  He is free range, but to make sure that pigs don't run amok they have large areas fenced off for their own enjoyment.  Chickens and turkeys wander in and out of their field but the pigs are meant to stay put.

It's bad enough that he has been getting out but once beyond the fence he has been letting himself into the chicken sheds and eating the their food.  Part of me thinks that he's doing this to show off.  Perhaps, as one of the smaller pigs, he just wants to catch up to his brothers and put some extra weight on.  Maybe he's just clever.  Either way, I have chosen a pig with character and I'm even more determined to make the most of him when the time comes.